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Welcome – Volume 1, Issue 1, Spring 2007

Posted At: April 12, 2007 9:06 AM |

Betsy Plank Welcome

Public relations students always amaze me! Nine of them have created Platform, an online forum for fellow students and educators to speak out on issues shaping our professional future.

These seniors at the University of Alabama conceived and developed the project in one semester. Their vision and initiative promptly captured the enthusiastic support from the board of the school’s Plank Center for Leadership in Public Relations.

Platform focuses on the role of our discipline to encourage informed, responsible discourse and to build relationships of trust and respect. Professionals, scholars and students—you—are invited to weigh in on ethical dilemmas, globalization, diversity, technology, the character of leadership and other challenges to our community of study and practice.

Please share your voice and views on Platform’s blog. And take of advantage of the e-mail addresses and links to other Web resources.

Welcome to this first issue of Platform. I’m very glad you’re here. And pass it on!

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