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Life After Platform

Life After Platform

Posted At: October 15, 2012 2:30 P.M. by Jessica Colburn. In celebration of the fifth anniversary of Platform Magazine, alumni of the public relations publication voiced their opinions and gave some advice on how Platform Magazine can and will contribute to success outside of the

It Takes MoreThanUThink

Posted At: October 14, 2012 7:35 P.M. by Grace Roberts and Christina Steward The development of a campaign can be a daunting task. By keeping the following tips in mind, the process in planning your campaign might be less stressful than you think.

Social Media: Shaping Public Relations Since 1970

Social Media: Shaping Public Relations Since 1970

Posted At: October 10, 2012 8:25 P.M. by Kristin Nelson Through its short but rich history, social media has impacted the distribution and gathering of information. But some things remain unchanged: people want good news and they want personal interaction. Public relations professionals can better

Living in the Fast Lane: Interning for a PR Firm

Posted At: October 5, 2012 1:40 P.M. by Shelby Calambokidis In the PR industry, there are generally two career paths: working within an organization in the PR department or working for a firm that specializes in public relations. While both jobs may be stressful, PR

The Value of Perception

Posted At: October 5, 2012 8:53 A.M. by Leighton Brown Every day we see, touch and hear things in our environment. These various senses help us to react and interact with the people and situations around us.

Corporate Social Responsibility within Community Banking

Posted At: October 4, 2012 3:20 P.M. by Christina Steward When you think of corporate social responsibility among banks, you may think of large multi-billion-dollar institutions giving millions of dollars to national charities. However, local banks play an important part in CSR, too.

The Creative Relationship of PR and Graphic Design

Posted At: October 1, 2012 1:30 P.M. by Nicole Hohman As a PR major with a minor in graphic design, I am constantly searching for ways to encompass aspects from each field to put to use. I did not expect, though, to be put on

A Game of Strategy

Posted At: September 28, 2012 12:45 P.M. by Jessica Colburn Remember, a physical game board is not necessary, but strategy is essential to making the most out of your PRSA chapter meetings.

Engaging a Different Kind of Audience

Engaging a Different Kind of Audience

Posted At: September 26, 2012 12:50 P.M. by Grace Roberts With people checking their newsfeeds more often than local newspapers for the latest information on upcoming events, arts companies are beginning to strategically manage their social media in order to best access their fans.

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