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Beautiful and Bald Barbie: A Benchmark for Social Media

Posted At: Feburary 15, 2012 2:00 PM by Savannah Bass Over the years, America has seen it all: rock star Barbie, lifeguard Barbie, princess Barbie, tattooed Barbie and a pregnant Barbie with a plastic, removable baby inside her abdomen.

Branding Power: Twitter vs. Facebook

Posted At: Feburary 8, 2012 2:40 PM by Anna Ellis In today’s world, where within seconds any question we need answered is at the touch of our fingertips, social media seems to be taking over. Not only for social activity, but also as a source

MyFace: Self-Image Control (or the Lack Thereof) Through Social Networking

Posted At: April 9, 2008 by Anthony Greer January 2003: In order to prevent terrorist attacks on the United States, the federal government creates the Department of Homeland Security. March 2003: The World Health Organization declares Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) a global threat to

Will SOPA curtail creativity?

Will SOPA curtail creativity?

by Megan Reichenbach The Stop Online Piracy Act (also known as the Protect IP Act in the Senate) is a new initiative copyright owners are taking to “isolate and shut down websites or online services found with infringing content.” Should we be worried? SOPA’s primary

Twitter to the Rescue!

By Jaclyn McNeil On April 27th, a massive tornado sent horror throughout Tuscaloosa within minutes and left many without power for weeks. At one time, a citywide power outage would mean no communication with anyone who was not within arm distance. Now, the lack of

Google+: The New Facebook?

By Jaclyn McNeil If you’re like me, you’ve had your Facebook profile for a while. I created my Facebook profile sophomore year of high school; I have way more friends than is humanly possible to call actual friends. That reminds me: I’ve been meaning to

Social media v. Casey Anthony

By Jaclyn McNeil Casey Anthony was found #notguilty of murdering her 2-year-old daughter, Caylee, in the trial that became this summer’s most watched reality TV show. The verdict was tweeted, retweeted, facebooked and blogged, mostly with outrage and disbelief. The media and public had already

BP’s Perfect Storm, One Year Later

By: Miriam Fry Today marks the one-year anniversary of the BP Oil Spill in the Gulf of Mexico, which has been recorded as the largest oil spill in U.S. history. The scope of damage from this spill surpassed even the Exxon-Valdez spill of 1989. The

Does Calvin Klein know PR? Part One

by Aman Judge CK One, ring a bell anyone? Taking full advantage of one of its most successful campaigns from the 1990s, Calvin Klein is revamping its approach to the consumer. CK One, the name of its most popular unisex fragrance, may soon become a

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