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What’s your social media poison?

As college students, we throw around the word “addiction” when we’re referring to our BlackBerrys, iPhones, iPods, Facebook and Twitter pages, YouTube and other media; we’re social media “junkies,” and we fall apart when our crops die on Farmville. But, is social media addiction a

Connect with QVC

If I’m bored with nothing to do, I will more than likely turn on my favorite home-shopping network, QVC. If I bought an item every time I watched QVC, I would be in debt up to my eyeballs. Yes, it’s one of my weaknesses. In

Zuckerburg writes to 350 million users

Many of us saw the letter when we logged on to Facebook last week regarding changes to the site. Mark Zuckerburg, founder of Facebook, wrote an open letter to all members of Facebook informing users of upcoming changes. He informed more than 350 million users

Underground Information Trade Tops Global Drug Trade

Public relations is going viral. If we’re going to put our lives out there (wherever the Internet is), we must first consider who else is out there with us and what they’re capable of.

October Brings Social Media Changes

With the ever-increasing popularity of social networks, viral videos, blogs and other online media, it is essential for PR practitioners to be proficient in using social media. These online media are constantly evolving, and staying on top of the changes can be a challenge. This

Social Media Marketing Overload

I log onto my Facebook account. Another fan page request, this time for a cosmetic product I don’t even use. And even if I did use it, why on Earth would I feel the need to let everyone else on Facebook know that I am

Hitting the Target

Two days before classes began, the Target store in Tuscaloosa, Ala., opened its doors after hours for University of Alabama students. The university transported students from various locations on campus to Target. That night Target offered a unique shopping experience. Hundreds of students packed the

Dear Mark Zuckerberg,

Dear Mark Zuckerberg, How’s everything going? From the looks of the Facebook blog, I wouldn’t say it’s going well. Let me just give you a few highlights from the war zone. “Thank you so much for these changes. I now have even less reason to come

Google Numbers

Google NumbersAccording to the Oct. 6 BusinessWeek (Google Numbers), you will soon know exactly how influential you are through Facebook. Patent pending software produced by Google would rank your Facebook profile through criteria such as how many friends you have, how many friends they have

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