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Judge a Book by its Cover

By Katy Echols As the semester draws to a close, students are looking to what lies ahead. As they move on to various jobs, armed with vast knowledge and training, students often rely on their degrees to represent their qualifications. But is that all there

Trust and Public Relations: The Unstoppable Duo

By Libby Page As PR professionals, our job is to create relationships with clients, publics and media outlets. This relationship can only succeed if trust is gained. Therefore, we must strive to achieve the understanding of those around us. Like many other trends, trust is

PR practitioners have to keep on truckin’

By Hannah McDaniel This weekend I attended the Mid America Truck Show… Yes, a trucking show. While there, I realized that like at any other convention or event, PR played an important role. Before anyone gets too worked up: No, public relations is NOT synonymous

No need to fear, Groupon is here!

By Christine Kapurch Flash forward to this weekend: you and your boyfriend have nothing to do and all of your friends are headed out of town. However… no need to fear, Groupon is here! With an assortment of discounted restaurants and activities, this unique marketing

Who can say no to free!?

By Karissa Bursch Over spring break, I attended the music festival South by Southwest in Austin, Texas. According to the website, the SXSW conferences and festivals “offer the unique convergence of original music, independent films, and emerging technologies.” In other words, it’s a chance for

Lindsay Lohan’s Top 5 PR Lessons

by Amanda Coppock As often as stars like Lindsay Lohan are in the public eye, you would expect them to understand how to use better public relations to their benefit. Lohan, for one, clearly has missed out on how to use PR to save her

The Dilution of the Film Industry

By: Miriam Fry When a movie idea is pitched to a studio executive, one thought is running through her mind: “Will this movie make money?” And while yes, making money is important, is it the most important part of the industry? To what lengths do

No Ordinary Video Game; No Ordinary PR Campaign

By Wesley Vaughn Video game reviewers have billed it as “not your ordinary first-person shooter.” Combining lightning-fast gameplay, striking visuals and a brazen attitude, Bulletstorm separates itself from the pack of typical video games. It makes sense that its public relations campaign would do the

Sarcasm So Works the Best

by Katherine Baker When you think of a YouTube video that you have watched dozens of times, what do you see? Do you see animals, babies, double rainbows or maybe even men getting kicked in the crotch? Well, that’s what Smart Water associates with “viral

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