Coffee, Coffee, Coffee!
Posted on October 7, 2016, at 2:55 p.m.
by Nicole Morgan.
Have you ever wanted to visit a fictional place from a book or a movie?
Loyal fans of the beloved television series, “Gilmore Girls,” know this feeling all too well. We’ve all wanted to book a room at Lorelai’s Dragonfly Inn or attend a classic Stars Hollow town meeting. And on Oct. 5, this dream became a reality. Netflix gave fans the opportunity to enjoy a cup of coffee from Luke’s Diner by transforming more than 200 cafes in honor of the 16th anniversary of the series premiere.

Since the announcement of the reboot of “Gilmore Girls” coming this November, fans of the show have waited in anticipation to see what the residents of Stars Hollow have been up to. Netflix went all out to satisfy fans by providing 250 free cups of coffee at participating locations along with “Luke’s Diner essentials” for staff, including branded aprons and hats.
Fans shared their excitement on social media by posting selfies with their coffee or the famous “Luke’s Diner” sign. The buzz around the event had over 60,000 people talking on Facebook and more than 21,000 posts on Instagram using #lukesdiner. Photos and videos of the staggeringly long lines have also been circulating the Internet, with one location in Cincinnati having a line 1,000 fans deep, reported. Those who were devoted enough to wait were treated with a surprise under the sleeve of their coffee cup. Some sleeves had Lorelai Gilmore quotes, while a few had codes that could be redeemed for a month of free Netflix.

In today’s digital age, consumers have more power when it comes to choosing where they spend their time and money. In exchange for their loyalty, they expect more out of a relationship with brands, and Netflix has delivered on that expectation. By stepping up and giving fans a real experience they can share with others, Netflix has set itself apart from competitors such as Hulu or HBOGo.
Although Netflix has set the bar high, there’s no doubt competitors will follow suit and go the extra mile to connect with their audience, even if it involves 50,000 cups of free coffee. With the ever-increasing usage of social media, the possibilities are endless for what organizations can do to give their consumers a memorable experience.
To get your full Stars Hollow fix, head on over to the official website.