AT&T Has My ATTention
Posted At: April 12, 2013 11:30 A.M.
by Taylor Hodgkinson
Since AT&T is an international telecommunication provider and one of the largest in the world, it seems appropriate, from a future PR practitioner’s point of view, that AT&T has my undivided ATTention when it comes to communication. If you don’t believe me, check out the video below and then let’s meet in following section.
Competition? And just like that, AT&T announces 1Gpbs fiber connections in Austin, Texas.
There’s nothing more infuriating than a poor Internet connection, but it seems AT&T is helping to find a solution and making it less expensive for AT&T customers with the help of competition.
According to, “Merely hours after Google and the city of Austin jointly made clear that Google Fiber would be hitting up local homes in mid-2014,” AT&T published a press release stating it would be offering the same service and hopefully at a sooner date than Google.
This is great news if you reside in Austin, but not so great news if you’re Google. AT&T couldn’t ignore Austinites’ astronomical excitement yesterday over the light-speed Internet Google had to offer. The fear of competition for AT&T lasted a 1Gpbs fiber second until AT&T realized competition is healthy and makes customers happy.
Campaigning public safety.
We’ve all seen the heart-wrenching testimonials and consequences of texting while driving, provided by AT&T’s commercials.
AT&T launched the international initiative to stop texting and driving in 2009. CEO Randall Stephenson couldn’t ignore the devastating numbers of accidents and deaths caused by smartphones “being used inappropriately.” In effort to prevent automobile accidents and save lives, AT&T made its message clear and concise: “It Can Wait.”
To further increase safe driving, AT&T has given permission to any telecom company to use the campaign for free. AT&T encourages all of its competitors to use the campaign’s bumper stickers, which serve as a sign of support and a helpful reminder to drivers. Determined to increase the campaign’s platform, AT&T is letting competitors use their own logos on the universal “It Can Wait” hand to show the general public everyone should support safety first.
Customer Experience: it’s cheaper to keep a customer than trying to get another.
For AT&T, it all relates back to customer service. According to PRWeek, Larry Solomon, AT&T’s SVP of corporate communications, encourages employees to be “fluent in technology” with tutorial seminars on how to be a social media maven. Solomon understands the necessity of effectively using social media to cater to customers’ communication needs.
With weekly internal newsletters, employees are constantly updated on new platforms and provided direct access to supervisors, making AT&T’s internal culture a community that works together to serve its customers.
Simply put: AT&T knows how to communicate.
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I found this post to be very insightful as it opened my eyes to how well-rouded AT&T’s communication truly is. I enjoyed reading about the impact the technological advances have had on the company and how their executives have worked to fix issues.