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Brand Jive

Brand Jive

Posted on February 16, 2016, at 1:20 a.m. by Hannah MacInnis. On a cold Thursday night in December 2015, 11.5 million people tuned into NBC to watch Kenny Leon, among

The Evolving Role of the News

The Evolving Role of the News

Posted on February 2, 2016, at 5:45 p.m. by Hayley Kilgo. Long gone are the days when reading a newspaper and turning on the television were the only ways people

Gluten-free: Way to Be?

Gluten-free: Way to Be?

Posted on November 2, 2015, at 5:40 p.m. by Kristen Ellis. In our society’s long-standing battle against seemingly harmless food groups, gluten is the new enemy. Celebrities such as Gwyneth Paltrow and

The Power of YouTube

The Power of YouTube

Published on October 5, 2015, at 7:40 p.m. by Madalyn Atherton. It’s no secret that these days, our attention spans are shorter. We live our lives 140 characters at a

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