Navigating the Sea of Information
Posted At: January 21, 2012 3:30 PM by Jaley Cranford Allegations. Scandals. Investigations. To whom do universities look when disaster strikes?
Posted At: January 21, 2012 3:30 PM by Jaley Cranford Allegations. Scandals. Investigations. To whom do universities look when disaster strikes?
Posted At: January 23, 2012 1:15 PM by Jaley Cranford Dr Pepper Ten is a new soft drink being marketed by the Dr Pepper Snapple Group.
by Jaley Cranford As I punched the button for a familiar soda choice, I awaited a familiar purple can. But the purple marketing blunder that I grabbed was a far cry from the Grapico can of my childhood. Though the packaging bears no influence on
by Jaley Cranford, editor As I walked into “The Lion King 3D” at 9:30 p.m., I assumed that anyone who wanted to see the animated flick was fast asleep in their Cinderella or Batman pajamas. I was wrong. A theater full of people in their
by Jaley Cranford Whether they are strategically placed in a new movie or inspiring a rap song, Christian Louboutin’s signature red-bottomed shoes have found their way into the American mainstream. But these French imports wound up in a heated court case opposite designer Yves St.