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The PR and Marketing Behind Viral Health ChallengesThe PR and Marketing Behind Viral Health Challenges

The PR and Marketing Behind Viral Health Challenges

Published on April 16, 2024 at 10:23 a.m. by Anne Smith. At the start of every year, people all over the world set New Year’s resolutions as a challenge to better themselves. Because New Year’s resolutions are meant to be practiced over the length of

Making the World a Better Place Through Marketing and CommunicationsMaking the World a Better Place Through Marketing and Communications

Making the World a Better Place Through Marketing and Communications

Published on February 27, 2020, at 7:48 p.m. by Hannah Fogus. According to PRSA, the official definition of public relations is “a strategic communication process that builds mutually beneficial relationships between organizations and their publics.” What if that relationship could directly save people’s lives? In

Raising the BarreRaising the Barre

Raising the Barre

Posted: April 3, 2014,  1:08 p.m. by Devon Landman.   If you haven’t heard of the new, unique workout called Pure Barre, chances are you will soon. Pure Barre uses an isometric-training workout on a ballet bar to perform exercises that focus on small movements

Communicating ObamacareCommunicating Obamacare

Communicating Obamacare

Posted At: December 3, 2013 7:33 a.m. by Christi Rich As November ends, we approach the two-month mark of the initial implementation of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA), also known as Obamacare. From its inception and signing in 2010, the ACA has

Eat More Chicken? You don’t have to ask me twice.

Posted At: September 16, 2013 2:30 p.m. by Sarah de Jong Chick-fil-A: To some people, the nine-letter, hyphenated name of the fast-food chicken empire immediately makes them salivate. To others, it brings up unpleasant memories of the company’s past public relations blunders and overly fried

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