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Life After Platform

Life After Platform

Posted At: October 15, 2012 2:30 P.M. by Jessica Colburn. In celebration of the fifth anniversary of Platform Magazine, alumni of the public relations publication voiced their opinions and gave some advice on how Platform Magazine can and will contribute to success outside of the

Back in Business, the Southern Way

Posted At: January 27, 2012 3:30 AM by Dorothy Griffth Can an entire geographical region become a brand, marketed to the rest of the world as something good and desirable? That’s what it appears the Southeastern United States has done in the past few years.

For the PR practitioner, no news is bad news

For the PR practitioner, no news is bad news

by Dorothy Griffith As public relations students, it’s easy to get bogged down with writing news releases and frantically editing our work for AP style errors. But what happens when we get too immersed in the world of public relations and neglect to observe what

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