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Brands: We Trust Them, We Trust Them Not

Brands: We Trust Them, We Trust Them Not

Published on February 25, 2020, at 7:22 p.m. by Faith Saucier. Brands: They’re product innovators, customer service experts, competent doers and, now, catalysts for change. Today, they are expected to take a stand, to make a difference, to be positive players in society. Corporations are

Amazon: Priming Up Consumers

Amazon: Priming Up Consumers

Posted: July 26, 2015, 8:20 p.m. by Mary Claire Hunter. In the ever-changing world of technology we live in, a company can’t be static. Even Amazon, a $1.75 billion company, has to look for ways to keep current customers happy while vying for new consumers.

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