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Try Me! A Look at Interactive Internet Innovations

Posted At: April 9, 2008 12:19 PM
by Suzanne Flanagan

With the world’s increasing demand and dependence on the Internet, many businesses are trying a new way to communicate with their key publics. Interactive Internet marketing is a savvy, cost efficient way to generate attention. The key PR component in these ventures is the relationship that is created with target audiences. By creating new, innovative ways to engage their customers, companies are able to maintain these relationships and continue to cultivate them for future endeavors.

For example, the interactive provides a colorful environment in which users have the opportunity to “Become an M&M.” After designing a personalized character, there is an option to create a video, send an e-card or pose in a photo shoot. These interactive applications allow users to come back again and again, establishing a connection that influences consumer behavior. Consumers feel as though M&M’s is a fun, interactive brand with more to offer than just chocolate candy.

A strong Web presence is an essential component in a successful business strategy. Interactive campaigns create brand familiarity with consumers.

Another interactive site is Dove’, which features a “Girl’s Only Interactive Self-Esteem Zone.” The site targets “tweens” and teenagers age 11-16. Quizzes about body image and self-esteem issues are available to give young girls a sense that their bodies are beautiful without any embellishment. Inside the “Self-Esteem Bubble” you drag thoughts and things that make you feel happy and confident about yourself. You may print the “Bubble” to keep it with you and remind you of everything and everyone in your life that keep you strong. There is a “Moms and Mentors” tab, which encourages moms to embrace their own physiques before tackling self-esteem issues with their daughters. It explains that a child’s self identity is shaped by the influential adults in her life. This tab also feature healthy tips and ideas for encouraging confidence.

Dove’s “Campaign for Real Beauty” promotes a positive, constructive message that also develops a relationship between the young girls and Dove. Parents and children might visit the site together because of its family friendly vibe. Without directly marketing their products, Dove has successfully reached a target audience with a positive message and created a warm and fuzzy feeling about the brand.

Interactive Web sites like these provide a different opportunity for consumers to become aware of brands and company attitudes. If an Internet surfer enjoys his time at a certain interactive site, he is more likely to feel connected to the brand, ultimately resulting in a purchase.

Do you think that interactive capablilities can add significant value to a campaign?

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