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What PR Pros Can Learn from “Some Good News”

Published on April 23, 2020, at 8:08 p.m.

by Janie Creighton.

Jim Halpert is the news host we didn’t know we needed. Wait, I meant to say John Krasinski. Krasinski is best known for his role as Jim Halpert on the American TV series “The Office.” However, Krasinski is claiming a new name for himself as the host of “Some Good News,” also referred to as SGN. This web series is the “result” of Krasinski’s “isolation.” SGN provides uplifting content related to those who are affected by or involved with COVID-19.

We are living in unprecedented times with COVID-19. As a result, the global pandemic has made it difficult for the media to report encouraging, uplifting news. Although plenty of newspapers, television networks and other news outlets have their own private sectors of reporting good news, SGN speaks differently to the American people. In fact, SGN has received so much positive feedback that Krasinski is currently looking for someone to provide American sign language for his show. His humor, inspirational videos and lighthearted feel have made the SGN brand appeal to a variety of people.

Courtesy of SomeGoodNews on Youtube

In Krasinski’s promotional video for SGN, he shares, “Even indoors — in the weird world of isolation — good news is happening everywhere.” He kicked off the season on YouTube, where he releases each episode.

In his first episode of SGN, Krasinski announced a variety of heartwarming news, including a man singing “Amazing Grace” to his hospitalized wife and an interview with Steve Carrell to celebrate “The Office” turning 15 years old. He ended the episode with a video clip of a socially distant, welcome-home parade for a girl who had completed her last chemo treatment.

Courtesy of @somegoodnews on Twitter

However, the good news doesn’t stop there. Since then, Krasinski has announced an abundance of positive news on different social media platforms. He actively uses Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, YouTube and TikTok to promote SGN. These media channels closely share branding, content, videos and pictures. He keeps his voice, image and tone consistent.

DMI Daily Digest provides 10 steps to build your personal brand on social media, and Krasinski masters them all. He shares his content on a “regular basis,” he releases “engaging content,” and he connects and collaborates with other brands. Above all, he shows himself to be a PR leader and host of positive news.

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