Before the Journey: Hopes, Wishes and Expectations for the 2009 PRSSA National Convention
As I anxiously await my impending early November trip to San Diego, Ca., I think about how lucky I am to have the chance to experience everything that I will in less than a month. PRSSA will host its annual National Convention this year in sunny San Diego, and I have the chance to take part in a week that will not only prepare me for the real world with resources and networking, but has the potential to open many doors for my future.
My hopes for the convention are widespread, and my doubts that they will be surpassed are nonexistent. I anticipate meeting many other students from PRSSA chapters around the country who are as nervous, excited and eager to spread their wings and fly into the PR world as I am, and I hope to make new friends and connections through these students.
I also foresee learning priceless information and gaining abundant amounts of resources from the sessions I will attend, most of which will be led by top professionals in the field. The registration packet that I received boasts page after page of seminars and sessions such as “Go Global, Get an Edge”, a session on International PR, and “Cruisin’ with PR,” a discussion on corporate versus agency work. I hope to enjoy as many sessions as possible, but have already found clear favorites that I hope to attend.
This convention is special for me in another way: I have the unique chance to go as two people at once. I will not only be representing The University of Alabama’s PRSSA chapter along with three other members, but I will also be the sole representative of the Platform Magazine Fall 2009 Editorial Team. This gives me the challenging but rewarding opportunity to promote the magazine to PR professionals, educators and students during the convention on behalf of the entire Editorial Team.
What I will gain from the convention, I can only speculate for now. Business attire: Check. Resumes: printed. Business cards: jumping out of my wallet at the chance to network. Check back with Platform’s blog on Nov. 13, when I recap my trip and discuss the experience in the second half of my two-part PRSSA National Convention blog post. Bon Voyage!