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The Black, White & Gray Areas of Lying & Deception In PR

The Black, White & Gray Areas of Lying & Deception In PR

Published on September 19, 2017, at 5:27 p.m. by Mallory McDonald. Lying and deception seem like black and white subjects — clearly defined as right or wrong. However, in a field like public relations that relies greatly on public image and client satisfaction, lying and

A Healthy Industry: The State of Health Care PR

A Healthy Industry: The State of Health Care PR

Published on November 15, 2016, at 1:59 p.m. by Amelia Neumeister. When talking about public relations sectors, the main specialties thought about are technology, entertainment, sports, fashion and food. But one of the biggest sectors of the communications world is also the most often looked-over.

Keeping Your Cool When It Matters Most

Posted At: April 9, 2008 12:41 PM by Anna Catherine Roberson We all have experienced that breaking point: the stress and tension build up and there is nowhere to go but down. You are at the point when you know a major crisis is on

The Patch Gives Birth to Controversy

“No comment” or even no response is one of the worst replies you can give to the media, and yet is still commonly used by top companies when responding to a PR disaster. The phrase implies “I don’t know what’s going on,” or “I don’t

Financial Crisis or Moral Crisis?

USA Today recently pointed out that corporate apologies are becoming more and more rare in the face of the current economic crisis. The article argues that CEOs see admitting blame as a sign of weakness, even though the article claims that “In 2004, professors from

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