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PR = Satisfaction > Stress

Public relations professionals are known for overworking themselves and biting off a little more than they can chew, even if it means working 12- to 15-hour days. Whether it’s taking on an extra event you don’t have time to plan and promote or overwhelming yourself with goals for a campaign you’re working on, PR work can be stressful. Why is it that even though the field generates such a high stress level, the job market for PR is still so competitive?

PR quickly shot to the top in terms of necessity and growth in the past decade, according to The website recently published an article, “Best Jobs in America,” listing the top 100 jobs in 2010. The position of public relations director made the list at number 84 with a growth rate of 13 percent in the past 10 years. The statistic proves PR is flourishing. The field is becoming more and more necessary for every type of business or organization, thus providing more job openings for students with the backbone to tackle it.

The article also rated achievements that make up a person’s quality of life. While PR received its highest ratings in satisfaction and flexibility, the field received its lowest rating in low stress. Public relations is growing because professionals in the field love what they do; otherwise, the pressure of the job wouldn’t be worth the work.

Many day-to-day business operations fall under the PR director or department, which may lead some PR pros to ask “What have I gotten myself into?”. However, underneath this question is a ton of eager future professionals asking “what can I get myself into?”. Most public relations professionals are in this line of work because they don’t enjoy sitting behind a computer screen every day doing the same monotonous chores. They do it because they are workaholics who thrive off of the variety and amount of tasks and opportunities they find in this field.

The tasks aren’t necessarily tedious, but they do come in bulk. The work may be more manageable for individuals who encompass certain qualities: a good communicator, creative thinker, effective writer, dependable time manager and a hard worker who is not easily overwhelmed.

The broad umbrella of tasks that fall under public relations allows for individuals who possess these characteristics to find their niches. Although one aspect of the field may be stressful, the satisfaction received from another aspect makes it all worth it. The equation for a fulfilling PR career is when Satisfaction > Stress or, in layman’s terms, when the benefits exceed the costs!

By Laura Rabushka

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