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A Bite out of Apple

A Bite out of Apple

Posted: September 10, 2014, 3:11 p.m. by Connor Fox. “Think Different.” One of the most recognizable campaign slogans in the late 1990s illuminated the efforts of Apple Inc. to begin a new era with innovation. And that it did. Apple products now speak for themselves

FiLIP or Flop?

FiLIP or Flop?

Posted: April 2, 2014, 2:19 p.m. by Addison Viani. AT&T recently created buzz with its new product that is much more than a smartphone. This $200 device is targeted to customers who have children as young as 4 years old. ABC’s and 123’s are not

The Next Big Thing Is Doing PR Right

Posted At: November 4, 2013 2:15 p.m. by Kyle Borland. I closely follow the battle raging between Apple, Samsung and Google — I even get alerts to my phone. On the tablet and phone side of things, Apple has always had a significant lead but

Protecting the Protectors: Northrop Grumman Communications

Posted At: April 12, 2013 9:30 P.M. by Claudia Calhoun It is apparent in speaking with Sudi Bruni, Matt McQueen and Jim Hart that they have a passion for their work, but why? “The most satisfying part of my job [at Northrop Grumman] is that

Searching for Solutions: SEO

Posted At: March 8, 2013 12:00 P.M. by Caroline Murray Search engine optimization is a popular concept in communications today. The phrase is seen in every publication and blog and it is a part of every single Google search. What does SEO really mean though?

Technology in Education: The Impact on Future PR Professionals

Posted At: September 21, 2012, 11:49 P.M. by Kristin Nelson What impact is the influx of technology in the classroom having on students? What type of professionals are being cultivated in grade school classrooms? How will future public relations professionals set themselves apart from their

Educator Spotlight: Mihaela Vorvoreanu, Ph.D.

Posted At: May 17, 2012 12:36 PM by Mariah Fairweather Dr. V has spent much of her career as a PR scholar. She has done some consulting on the side, but most of her work is related to PR research, scholarship and teaching. Currently, she

Does Technology Manage Us?

Posted At: March 5, 2012 2:00 PM by Savannah Bass Everyone has done it. You check your phone during an important dinner, church or meeting. You cringe when you leave your phone behind for a few hours, afraid that you might miss something.

How Mobile Technology Affects PR Professionals

Posted At: September 29, 2008 12:25 PM by Miranda Yow Wireless technology is directly affecting business professionals in every field—and public relations is no exception. Whether in a meeting or on the go, mobile devices have become an integral part of a PR practitioner’s everyday

Leading the Peer Media Revolution

Posted At: April 9, 2008 12:33 PM by CJ McCormick and Mary Elizabeth Roberson For Aaron Uhrmacher, social media is not just a way to network and keep in touch with friends and family—it is a way to pay the bills. Uhrmacher is the global

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