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How to Differentiate Yourself from Your Peers

How to Differentiate Yourself from Your Peers

Published on September 24, 2019, at 10:34 a.m. by Justine Groeber. Picture this: You’re quickly nearing graduation and job interviews are looming. You’re involved in several extracurriculars and you study hard, but you are still looking for more that will set you apart. If you’re

How to Wow Your Future Boss and Land Your First PR Job

How to Wow Your Future Boss and Land Your First PR Job

Published on September 24, 2019, at 10:27 a.m. by Caroline Richards. It’s 2:14 p.m. You’re sitting next to the phone. You interviewed at your dream firm last week, and they said they’d call today at 2 p.m. with their decision. Your leg bounces nervously. You’re

“Coffee?” — Perfecting the Art of Informational Interviews

“Coffee?” — Perfecting the Art of Informational Interviews

Published on April 19, 2019, at 10:37 a.m. by Olivia Lake. In public relations we constantly hear the phrase, “It’s not what you know, it’s who you know.” This can seem daunting for those who haven’t perfected the art of networking. However, one of the

Tell Me About Yourself

Tell Me About Yourself

Published on January 31, 2017, at 8:00 a.m. by Kayla Sullivan. “So, tell me a little bit about yourself?” Until a few months ago, I didn’t know how to answer this question when asked in a job interview. Where am I supposed to begin? How

You’re Not Getting My Password!

Posted At: April 10, 2013 2:48 P.M. by Jessica Ruffin You presented your prospective employer with a killer résumé, nailed your elevator speech and answered the interview in a manner that would impress Donald Trump. You’re certain the job is yours and are thrilled – until

“So, tell me about yourself.”

Posted At: March 13, 2013 2:15 P.M. by Martina Kaiwi As young PR professionals prepare for their job interviews, many dread the notorious face-to-face interrogation. Even though PR practitioners understand the power of words and the relationships they can create or destroy, when representing ourselves it

Putting the “relations” in public relations job searching

Putting the “relations” in public relations job searching

by Hope Peterson I can think of few things more nerve-racking than entering the real world. It’s frightening to think of a place without the cushion of our parents’ security blanket, familiar faces and the excuse, “I’m only young once.” However, entering that place should

The Art of Tooting Your Own Horn

As a soon-to-be college graduate, I am excited and ready to begin my career in public relations. However, I have several uncertainties and questions about my future field. The most prevalent and recurring of these uncertainties is when and how to ‘toot my own horn.’

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