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PR Her Way

Posted: August 11, 2014, 9:34 a.m.
by Amber Ingram.

Ladies, let’s be honest. Almost everyone has dreamed about Superman swooping down and making that romantic rescue. Well, it is time to stop waiting and take control of our own lives. Her Campus is an online community dedicated to empowering college women who want something more out of life other than rescuing.

Photo taken by martinak15 via
Photo taken by martinak15 via

According to Her Campus, a “collegiette” by definition is, “A college woman who is on top of her game – strategically career-minded, distinctly fashionable, socially connected, academically driven, and smartly health-conscious, who endeavors to get the most out of her college experience on every level.”

Her Campus offers many features centered on a typical college girl’s lifestyle. It ranges from style to love to careers. Under the Career tab is a link to the “How she got there” section. Its focus is on successful women from all different stages, careers and colleges. This website section is where women tell their stories in hopes of motivating college women to get out there and be the change they wish to see.

In a question-and-answer piece written by Gennifer Delman, Jessica Kleiman, vice president of public relations for Hearst Magazines, recites her story and offers up some advice to college women looking to work in the PR field.

One thing Kleiman points out is that in PR there is never a dull moment. This is a fast-paced industry filled with curve balls and variety. After working with the small magazine, The Rosen Group, Kleiman realized PR was her calling. She confesses that her current boss is to thank for her continuing growth of knowledge and her encouragement to step up and become a leader.

Her personal advice echoes that of several University of Alabama public relations professors: “The worst someone can say is ‘no’ but if you don’t ask, you’ll never know.”

Kleiman’s achievements are just one example out of many. Women who enter the world of PR are doing it with full force and a mission. Her advice to the collegiettes and Her Campus readers is to “know what makes you unique and valuable and how to communicate that succinctly.” So, ladies, let’s do one better and save the world ourselves. All it takes is getting out there and making those dreams turn into realities. Let’s become superwomen.

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