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Internal Communications: The Time Is Now

Internal Communications: The Time Is Now

Published on November 15, 2018, at 3:04 p.m. by Elizabeth Summers. Understanding and addressing the importance of employee engagement has become an increasingly crucial component in the success of high-performance companies. With increasing technological developments, employees have the immediate ability to connect with each other,

Feel-Good PR

Feel-Good PR

Posted: July 31 2015, 10:11 a.m. by Mary Claire Hunter. With all the negative stories written, posted and shared, it’s easy to get bogged down under all the bad news. As PR practitioners, we are responsible for the promotion and advocacy of our clients. Oftentimes, we’re

Startups and Public Relations

Startups and Public Relations

Posted: November 10, 2014, 5:40 p.m. by Michelle Sue Agee. As a slightly seasoned, soon-to-be public relations professional, I spend much time deciphering an array of positive and negative public relations scenarios that brands have created for themselves. These brands are either established or wrangling

Work Hard, Play Hard?

Work Hard, Play Hard?

Posted At: February 20, 2013 1:55 P.M. by Caroline Murray Yesterday, my boss called me into her office and we watched this. One of my current jobs is working as a marketing assistant at an accounting firm. The firm is in the process of transitioning

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