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Handling the Holiday Chaos

Posted At: December 3, 2012 2:00 P.M.
by Memorie Bailey

The holidays are quickly approaching. During this time of year, it seems like deadlines are moved up, and you’re always crunched for time. Even though we look forward to a break from our work lives, it still seems like all we can think about is the work we have to finish first.

It’s important to get things done on time, but it’s also important to enjoy the holidays and the well-deserved time off. Here are some useful tips for staying on track during the holiday season:

1. Get organized. Plan out a detailed schedule that allows you to complete your projects in a timely manner. Schedule something to do each day, but before you make the schedule, make sure enough time is allotted to each task. It’s a great feeling to check things off a list. If you are organized, you’ll get everything finished in time to get ready for holiday cooking and shopping.

2. Channel your patience. Don’t let other people’s disorganization stress you out. Keep up with what you need to do, and keep in mind you’ll be rewarded when it’s over. Other people may let the holiday stress get the best of them, but you’ll be able to enjoy your time off more if you remain patient throughout the craziness.

3. Take advantage of driving time, lunchtime or nighttime to make holiday plans and gift lists. With everything you have on your plate during the holiday season, these kinds of things don’t need to crowd your mind. Keep your holiday lists separate from your to-do lists.

4. Enjoy your break, and be thankful! Take time to be with your family and friends without thinking about work. A break is always refreshing, and stepping away from the office for a few days to have some fun is always needed. Be thankful and reward yourself for everything you’ve accomplished this year. You deserve it!

So, as the holiday chaos ensues, keep these things in mind and enjoy all that is to be thankful for this year!



  1. Post comment

    This makes a great point that all people seem to be concerned about right now is how stressed they are. The time to focus on school is now, and the time to focus on the holidays and family will be in a week and a half. It will be over before we know it. When all is said and done, I will enjoy my break and my time with my family that much more.

  2. Post comment

    This blog post is a good reminder to all people during the holidays. Many college students look forward to having time off but quickly realize it is only a break from school work. Work, shopping and devoting time to loved ones pile on quickly and can distract anyone accomplishing the tasks that need to be taken care of. This post suggests simple things to do to prevent the stress from being overwhelming but they are things that people could easily forget to do in all of the chaos of the season. This list will definitely help me manage my time during the holiday season.


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